DataRoot Labs Featured in a Data Centric Companies Landscape by TNW and DMS Accelerator
Helping talented entrepreneurs globally succeed in changing the world with innovative AI across industries.

The Data Market Services (DMS) Accelerator released its landscape of European data centric market service companies with DataRoot Labs featured in AI and Machine Learning segment.
DataMarket Services Accelerator is a European Commission funded project, designed to help startups in the EU (and associated countries) grow their skills, connect with partners and investors, and receive media and events exposure.

Data Centric Companies Landscape by TNW and DMS Accelerator.
We are honored to be put on the map of companies that empower European startups with AI and Machine Learning solutions and expertise. DataRoot Labs support DMS' mission of overcoming the barriers of data-centric SMEs and start-ups in data skills. Our team is committed to helping talented entrepreneurs globally succeed in changing the world with innovative AI across industries.
DMS Accelerator has recently announced its second wave to select the most promising data-centric SMEs and Startups. 50 most promising companies of 2020 will benefit from different support services including fundraising, acceleration, data standardization, legal and GDPR, marketing, promotion, and data skills, among others. To apply, visit DMS website.
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