DataRoot Labs is in top-10 Most Reviewed ML Companies
Listed among most reviewed ML providers in Kyiv by The Manifest.

We are proud to announce that The Manifest, a B2B buying guide to hire a service provider, has named us one of the most-reviewed machine learning firms in Kyiv.
Machine Learning as a subfield of AI is a part of one of the biggest industries in the world today. Some countless new products and services utilize AI & ML — it is almost a cheat code at this point! DataRoot Labs's aim is to equip you with this code.
Providing full or partial closure for AI component development needs, our team works with numerous businesses and startups across the globe. As one of the biggest data science & data engineering teams in Ukraine, we are happy to encourage the ecosystem's growth through DataRoot University, our free AI educational platform.
We are thrilled to be named again top service providers by The Manifest. A recognition like this is a testament to the profound Data Science & Engineering expertise of our team and our excellent level of professionalism. We look forward to continue driving value to our existing and prospective customers as their technology partner of choice.
An appreciation to DRL clients for helping us bag this award. You are pivotal in helping us achieve this milestone and we are thankful for all of your support throughout these years.
Read industry-recognized reviews from companies in Fintech, Healthcare, Automotive, Gaming, and other fields on Clutch.
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